Human and Moral Behavior


Human and Moral Behaviour

Today I am studying my books of Philosophy and from them, I got to know about something which should not exist in this world. Not only a few things are there but there is a huge list of such things. I don’t want to beat about the bush but I think human nature and morality are much put about by the new trends, they have accorded. I am not accustomed to knowing all these critical situations. But these books acquainted me with all the possible risks involved in understanding the situation.

What is the most influential (or overrated) way to entertain people by making a seamless profit?

Yes! I am talking about Filmmaking Industry, Modelling Industry (not all but mostly) are involved in creating chaos for their profit.

Almost all people believe that celebrities are a vital part of their life. People learn and follow the trend set up by them in reel as well as real-life but what about self-consciousness.

A worker in a factory, an honest government official works hard all day long but for whom?

For only their families?  For only their profit?

No, Honest people also think much about humanity. And the strange thing is that they get less money for their incompatible hard work.

 But wait. What about celebrities?

They get hefty of money just for acting and faking emotions, stunts in Reel life?

Do they work more than other common people?

All these questions seem to have no sense. There is always a doubtful answer. Most of the people will say celebrities are workers like every other human. They work for their lives, for their wear and tear. But this isn’t the actual answer. These people have reconciled with the lifestyle of celebrities.

But the answer is that if you are saying them common like others on the basis of work then why do we overrate them?

Is it just because of their Glamourous lifestyle?

Most of us don’t think beyond the arena, because of brain laziness or more exactly we don’t want to pay heed to …

But consciousness is something which is gifted to everyone but because of not using it worth fully human run in short. I don’t know how many of us will be back to morality but the truth is that Morality in Human Nature is hard to maintain.

Pleasure and Comfort is something for which we earn. But no one wants to take care of humanity. Models and Celebrities earn money; they don’t take care of other things like social etiquettes. They just want to live their lives. They get money but no one actually pays attention to what is wrong and what is right. This is the grim reality of today’s world. We can change ourselves is also an acceptable truth. For our pleasure, we must not give up morality. Celebrities need to accept this also.

Yes, this sound like this type of thinking has left far behind. But the truth is eternal. Money has taken the lead but it goes and comes. Humanity and Moral behaviour is always respected.






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